Stella Unitatis

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This is a webpage for all the students that attended Ndera, Rwesero and Zaza Minor Seminary, and graduated between 2001 and 2003. However having made a number of friends along the road, it is fair enough that they’ll have their share as well on what will become, hopefully, our meeting place.

News, addresses, pictures, advices, etc will be exchanged as efficiently as possible between us, in order to keep alive the flame of friendship that illuminated our days together, and will shine in our future as we go back to those treasured memories and think: “How good it was to be together!”

We all thank God for having connected our paths and for what we will always have in common, that “joie de vivre”, that thought that we can create our own world. Live in it, and be happy”. May that world of ours, shape the bigger world, and make of all of us, each one in every way, men that will make proud, not only themselves, but also their families and all had a chance to meet them, know them, and call them “Friends”.



The Web Manager

Claude Munyankindi

Let's Dance, It's your Birthday
